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Microsoft Edge 92

Gepubliceerd op: 23-07-2021 07:40

Microsoft heeft een nieuwe versie uitgebracht van zijn op Chromium-gebaseerde Edge-browser. Het gaat om versie 92 met daarin de nieuwe functie Password health. Met deze functie kom je er eenvoudig achter of je sterke wachtwoorden gebruikt en of je wachtwoorden hergebruikt voor verschillende accounts. Je kunt naar Password health door in de adresbalk van Edge te gaan naar edge://settings/password.

Microsoft geeft in versie 92 gebruikers de mogelijkheid om websites te vernieuwen in Internet Explroer-modus. In het verleden moest dat via de Enterprise Mode Site List of door Internet Explorer 11 zelf te openen. Nu kun je dat zelf doen en zal een website 30 dagen in IE-modus geserveerd worden.

Verder bevat versie 92 een nieuw extensiemenu en is het weergeven van lettertypes verbeterd, zodat deze scherper en beter leesbaar zijn. Ook kondigt Microsoft een nieuwe extensie aan voor Microsoft Outlook voor werk of privé en lost deze versie een aantal beveiligingsproblemen op, dus het is aan te raden snel te updaten. Je vindt de volledige changelog met alle wijzigingen in deze versie van Edge hieronder.


Om Microsoft Edge te updaten, klik je rechts naast de adresbalk op de drie puntjes en kies je Help en feedback uit de lijst en dan Over Microsoft Edge. Je ziet dan de huidige versie van de browser. Updates zullen automatisch gedownload en geïnstalleerd worden. Klik dan op Opnieuw opstarten om de nieuwe versie actief te maken.

Je kunt Microsoft Edge ook hier downloaden voor Windows, macOS en Linux.

Screenshot Microsoft Edge 92
Edge 92 met het nieuwe extensiemenu.


Version 92.0.902.55: July 22

Stable channel security updates are listed here.

Feature updates

Users can easily get to Internet Explorer mode on Microsoft Edge. Starting with Microsoft Edge version 92, users can reload a site in Internet Explorer mode on Microsoft Edge instead of relying on the standalone IE 11 application while waiting for a site to be configured in the Enterprise Mode Site List. Users will be prompted to add the site to their local site list such that navigating to the same page in Microsoft Edge will automatically render in IE mode for the next 30 days. You can use the InternetExplorerIntegrationReloadInIEModeAllowed policy to configure this experience and allow access to the IE mode entry points as well as the ability to add sites to the local site list. You can use the InternetExplorerIntegrationLocalSiteListExpirationDays policy to adjust the number of days to keep sites on the local site list. Note that KB5003698 or later is required for Windows 10, version 1909; or KB5003690 or later is required for Windows 10, version 2004, Windows 10, version 20H2, or Windows 10, version 21H1 for the end-to-end experience.

MHTML files will default to opening in Internet Explorer mode. Starting in Microsoft Edge version 92 Stable, MHTML file types will automatically open in Internet Explorer mode on Microsoft Edge instead of the Internet Explorer (IE11) application. This is most commonly observed while trying to view Outlook emails in a browser. This change will occur only if IE11 is the default handler for this file type. If you'd prefer to change this, you can do so prior to installing the Stable version 92 update using this guidance.

"Disable developer mode extensions" warning can be permanently dismissed. Beginning with Microsoft Edge version 92, you can turn off the warning "Disable developer mode extensions" by clicking on the 'Don't show this again' option.

Manage your extensions right from the toolbar. The all-new extensions menu on the toolbar will allow you to hide/pin extensions easily. The quick links to manage extensions and find new extensions will make it easy for you to find new extensions and manage your existing ones.

Default for autoplay will be set to Limited. To help you maintain your focus online, we have changed the default for autoplaying media to Limit from Allow, beginning with Microsoft Edge version 92.

Payment instruments are now synced across devices. Beginning with Microsoft Edge version 92, you have the option to synchronize your payment information across your signed in devices. Please note: this is a Controlled Feature Rollout. If you don’t see this feature, please check back shortly as we continue our rollout. Currently this feature is available only in the US and only for MSA users (not AAD)

Improvements to font rendering. Improvements have been made to the rendering of text to improve clarity and reduce blurriness. Please note: this is a Controlled Feature Rollout. If you don’t see this feature, please check back shortly as we continue our rollout.

Toolbar button features like Favorites and Collections will remember the user's choice to pin them to the side of the window. Now enabled by default, if the user chooses to pin a toolbar button, it will always open in the pinned state until they decide to unpin.

Users can now manage the 'Allow single sign-on for work or school sites using this profile' option via group policy. 'Allow single sign-on for work or school sites using this profile' allows non-AAD profiles to be able to use single sign-on for work or school sites using work or school credentials present on the machine. This option shows up for end-users as a toggle in Settings -> Profiles -> Profile Preferences for non-AAD profiles only. You can use the AADWebSiteSSOUsingThisProfileEnabled policy to configure the behavior.

Password health It’s important to use strong, unique passwords across different accounts to stay safe online. However, that's easier said than done and most users exhibit poor password habits like using weak passwords that are easy to guess, or reuse the same strong passwords across accounts.

With this latest version of Microsoft Edge, your task of using strong and unique passwords becomes a little bit easier! Microsoft Edge will now tell you whether saved passwords are strong enough and also indicate whether they’ve been used across multiple sites, helping you stay safer online. You can find your password health information in your list of saved passwords in the edge://settings/passwords page.

Added privacy for your saved passwords If you are using a device you share with others or have left your computer unlocked for whatever reason, you can now opt for a second verification using your device password to avoid others getting access to your website passwords. Simple!

Outlook extension. Stay on top of your Microsoft Outlook inbox, calendar, tasks and more without having to open a new browser window. You can get the new Outlook extension here: Microsoft Outlook - Microsoft Edge Addons

New Policies

Deprecated Policy

Obsoleted Policy

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