Hero image van Microsoft Edge 93

Microsoft Edge 93

Gepubliceerd op: 03-09-2021 02:27

Microsoft heeft een nieuwe versie uitgebracht van zijn op Chromium-gebaseerde Edge-browser. Het gaat om versie 93 met daarin de nieuwe functie van tabgroepen, waarmee je tabbladen kunt indelen in eigen gemaakte groepen. Verder heb je nu de optie om de titelbalk te verbergen als je verticale tabbladen gebruikt. Op macOS heeft Microsoft het eenvoudiger gemaakt om video's in picture-in-picture weer te geven, dankzij een nieuwe werkbalk die over de video heen verschijnt. Ook bevat versie 93 van Edge weer een aantal beveiligingsfixes, wacht dus niet te lang met het updaten naar deze versie.

Je vindt de volledige changelog met alle wijzigingen in deze versie van Edge hieronder.


Om Microsoft Edge te updaten, klik je rechts naast de adresbalk op de drie puntjes en kies je Help en feedback uit de lijst en dan Over Microsoft Edge. Je ziet dan de huidige versie van de browser. Updates zullen automatisch gedownload en geïnstalleerd worden. Klik dan op Opnieuw opstarten om de nieuwe versie actief te maken.

Je kunt Microsoft Edge ook hier downloaden voor Windows, macOS en Linux.

Screenshot Microsoft Edge 92
Edge 92 met het nieuwe extensiemenu.


  • Initial Preferences in Microsoft Edge. Microsoft Edge now supports a limited number of Initial Preferences (formerly Master Preferences). IT admins can deploy these settings as default before the browser is run for the first time by their users. Additional information here: Configure Microsoft Edge using Initial Preferences settings for the first run.
  • IE mode on Microsoft Edge will support "no-merge" behavior. For an end-user, when a new browser window is launched from an IE mode application, it will be in a separate session, similar to the no-merge behavior in IE11. You will need to adjust your site list to configure sites that need to prevent session sharing as "no-merge". Behind the scenes, for each window of Microsoft Edge, the first time an IE mode tab is visited within that window, if it is one of the designated “no-merge” sites, that window is locked into a different “no-merge” IE session from all other Microsoft Edge windows at least until the last IE mode tab is closed in that window. This follows previous behavior where users could launch IE with no-merge and could also launch Microsoft Edge without no-merge via other mechanisms. Additional information here: IE mode troubleshooting and FAQ | Microsoft Docs
  • New policy to stop implicit sign in. The ImplicitSignInEnabled policy allows system administrators to disable implicit sign-in on Microsoft Edge browsers.
  • Policies to bypass ClickOnce and DirectInvoke prompts. We have updated our policies to enable bypassing ClickOnce's prompts and DirectInvoke's app for specified file types, from specified domains. To do this, you will need to:
    • Enable ClickOnceEnabled or DirectInvokeEnabled
    • Enable AutoOpenFileTypes policy and set the list of specific file types that ClickOnce and DirectInvoke should be disabled for
    • Enable the AutoOpenAllowedForURLs policy and set the list of specific domains that ClickOnce and DirectInvoke will be disabled for.Note: AutoOpenAllowedForURLs is a supporter policy for AutoOpenFileTypes. If AutoOpenAllowedForURLs is not set and AutoOpenFileTypes is set, then file types listed will automatically open from all URLs.
  • Tab Groups. We are turning on tab grouping which provides the ability to categorize tabs into user-defined groups and helps you more effectively find, switch and manage tabs across multiple workstreams.
  • Hide the title bar while using Vertical Tabs. Get the extra few pixels back by hiding the browser's title bar, while in Vertical Tabs. Now you can go to edge://settings/appearance and under the Customize Toolbar section select the option to hide the title bar while in Vertical Tab mode.
  • Video Picture in Picture (PiP) from hover toolbar. When you hover over a supported video, a toolbar will appear that allows you to view that video in a PiP window. Please note: this is currently available for Microsoft Edge users on macOS.
  • Removal of 3DES in TLS. Support for the TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA cipher suite will be removed. This change is happening in the Chromium project, on which Microsoft Edge is based. For more information, navigate to the Chrome Platform Status entry. Additionally, in Microsoft Edge version 93, the TripleDESEnabled policy will be available to support scenarios that need to preserve compatibility with outdated servers. This compatibility policy will become obsolete and stop working in Microsoft Edge version 95. Ensure that you update affected servers before then.
  • Stable channel security updates are listed here.

Security updates

Microsoft has released the latest Microsoft Edge Stable Channel (Version 93.0.961.38), which incorporates the latest Security Updates of the Chromium project. For more information, see the Security Update Guide

This update contains the following Microsoft Edge-specific update:

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