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Mozilla Firefox 87 met nieuwe referrer-policy

Gepubliceerd op: 23-03-2021 06:37

Mozilla heeft versie 87 van zijn Firefox-webbrowser uitgebracht. De belangrijkste wijziging in deze nieuwe versie is de referrer-policy die gewijzigd is. De referrer die wordt meegegeven naar een website als je bijvoorbeeld op een link klikt, zal nu niet meer het pad en eventuele query-paramaters bevatten, wat tot meer privacy leidt. Ook is de compatibiliteit verbeterd van websites in de privémodus en in de modus met verbeterde trackingbescherming door geblokkeerde scripts te vervangen.

Verder bevat deze release oplossingen voor beveiligingsproblemen en zal de browser als je zoekt op een pagina en alle resultaten markeert deze nu ook weergeven in de scrolbalk. Je vindt de volledige changelog van Mozilla Firefox 87 hieronder, evenals links en instructies om de browser te installeren of te updaten.


Om te updaten naar Mozilla Firefox 87, klik je in Windows op de drie strepen rechts naast de adresbalk en ga je naar Help en dan Over Firefox. Op Mac klik je in de menubalk op Firefox en dan Over Firefox. Wacht even totdat de update is binnengehaald en klik dan op Herstarten om Firefox bij te werken. Je kunt de update ook handmatig downloaden en installeren.

Firefox versie 87


Version 87.0, first offered to Release channel users on March 23, 2021

We'd like to extend a special thank you to all of the new Mozillians who contributed to this release of Firefox!


  • You’ll encounter less website breakage in Private Browsing and Strict Enhanced Tracking Protection with SmartBlock, which provides stand-in scripts so that websites load properly.
  • To further protect your privacy, our new default HTTP Referrer policy will trim path and query string information from referrer headers to prevent sites from accidentally leaking sensitive user data.
  • The “Highlight All” feature on Find in Page now displays tick marks alongside your scrollbar that correspond to the location of matches found on that page.
  • We’re proud to announce full support for macOS built-in screen reader, VoiceOver.
  • We’ve added a new locale: Silesian (szl)


  • We’ve fixed several significant accessibility issues:
    • Video controls now have visible focus styling and video and audio controls are now keyboard navigable. (Bug 1681007)
    • HTML <meter> is now spoken by screen readers. (Bug 1460378)
    • Firefox now sets a useful initial focus in Add-ons Manager. (Bug 580537)
    • Firefox will now fire a name/description change event when aria-labelledby/describedby content changes. (Bug 493683)
  • Various security fixes.


  • To prevent user data loss when filling out forms, we’ve disabled the Backspace key as a navigation shortcut for the back navigation button. To re-enable the Backspace keyboard shortcut, you can change the about:config preference browser.backspace_action to 0. You can also use the recommended Alt + Left arrow (Command + Left arrow on Mac) shortcut instead.
    Firefox keyboard shortcuts
  • We've removed items from the Library menu that weren't used often or have other access points in the browser: Synced tabs, Recent highlights, and Pocket list.
  • We've simplified the Help menu by reducing redundant items, such as those that point to Firefox support pages that can also be accessed via the Get Help item.



  • Developer Information
  • We've greatly simplified the Web Developer menu. Go to Application Menu > Web Developer > Web Developer Tools to access Inspector, Web Console, Debugger, Network Style Error, Performance, Storage Inspector, Accessibility, and Application
  • Developers can now use the Page Inspector to simulate prefers-color-scheme media queries, without having to change the operating system to light or dark mode.
  • Developers can now use the Page Inspector to toggle the :target pseudo-class for the currently selected element in addition to the pseudo-classes that were previously supported: :hover:active and :focus:focus-within:focus-visible, and :visited.
  • There is a number of Page Inspector improvements and bug fixes related to inactive CSS rules:
    • The table-layout property is now marked as inactive for non-table elements.
    • The scroll-padding properties (shorthand and longhand) are now marked as inactive for non-scrollable elements.
    • The text-overflow property was previously incorrectly marked as inactive for some overflow values.

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